Thursday, July 19, 2012


Emotional Movie About the Ultimate Love


2008 PG 118 minutes

In this inspirational movie,  Captain Caleb Holt (Kirk Cameron) is a firefighter who has had it with his marriage to Catherine. Actually, the feeling is mutual. When Caleb confides to his father that he is thinking of ending the marriage, his dad asks him to wait. His dad promises him something in the mail, and asks Caleb to try it for 40 days before making any decisions. Caleb decides to do it, although reluctantly.

Caleb receives a book in his father's handwriting. As Caleb halfheartedly completes the tasks, his heart begins to soften. He begins to care about his wife. He is brought face to face with his selfish nature and realizes he needs a Savior. Battling addictions, resentments, and pride, God brings Caleb a life-changing decision. But is it too late to win his wife back?

This is one of my favorite movies. I believe it has a message to save marriages, if people would watch it and try to do the daily tasks. There is a workbook, The Love Dare , that can be purchased. It includes the 40-day tasks Caleb attempts in the movie.

Even if your marriage is fine, this movie reminds you of what real love is all about. Redemption, forgiveness, self-sacrifice, patience and kindness, to name a few. It's how Jesus loves us. When we have that love, anything is possible.
Cast:  Kirk Cameron, Erin Bethea, Ken Bevel, Jason McLeod, Stephan Dervan, Eric Young  
PG - Thematic material and some peril. 
This review is from my personal collection of movies. You can watch this movie now on .

Thursday, June 21, 2012

When Life is Hard

Dealing with depression over my pain (post-viral myalgia) and physical limitations has led me to frenetic searching of God's Word for answers and comfort. I got to a point where I just wanted God to let me come home. I'd had enough. Just one thing after another goes wrong. The middle of May was when this disorder hit me five years ago. It's been an interesting ride of deep, dark valleys, short highs, then dark nights of the soul.
When a sponge is squeezed, what will come out? Whatever is inside. When my body betrayed me,I was squeezed hard. Thinking I had a strong faith, I grew weak when I observed what was being squeezed out of me. Pain has the unique dynamic of making you focus only on yourself and live inside yourself.

This what I was thinking:
1. By the time we finish high school we have a basic plan for our lives. Never, that I know of, does that plan include all the terrible and painful things we go through.

2. When there are tragic disruptions from our plans, such as death, divorce, illness, we feel that maybe God doesn't like us. I can totally understand the bitterness of an elderly person who thinks their life has been horrible and just wants to get away from it all. I've been there.

3. We think we are being punished for some thing we did, but have no idea what it is, because we know we have been forgiven.

God showed me some things:
Life IS the good times AND the bad times. I'm not saying something like death shouldn't affect us, or we should be unfeeling zombies, but living every day in the pain of an event is not life either...even if there is pain everyday. There is a time for mourning, to be sure, but it is not a place to live. Life goes on, and the perspective you have is a major determination of whether that will be a miserable existence or a life of peace and joy.

There is a saying I like to quote, "You don't ever get over some things in your life, but you get through them." And you don't go through them alone. I have felt Jesus with me every time. If you don't have Christ in your life, however, you don't have the grace or peace that comes with knowing him.

Now, there is no one I know who longs for Heaven more than I do. I can hear it, smell it, taste it...almost touch it some days. I LOVE Heaven, because He whom my soul loves is there. But I love it here too. My life has never been easy, but that seems to be the way some people's lives are. I've seen people whose lives were easy. Things just seemed to go the way they wanted, but that was not God's plan for me.

God has blessed me with so many good moments and people in my life that it far out-weighs the bad times. When you step back and look at things with an eternal perspective, the bad things seem to fade away. For instance, 10 years ago I was distressed and distraught from losing David's mom, having a baby with health problems, fighting to keep custody of my son, adjusting to diabetes, and David being laid off from one job then another, etc. These were not small problems, but there was so much good that happened during that time and since that time too. It is life. Good, then bad, then sad, then blessed. It's just part of living in a fallen world. But, it won't be forever. Yes, it's great to long for Heaven, but also know that you are here now, because God wants you to be...there is a reason to all this madness.

Ask yourself, "What difference is this going to make 10 years from now?" "What difference is this going to make after I've spent 7,000 years out of FOREVER in Heaven?" Some events do change you for the rest of your life, but know that what doesn't kill you, makes you stronger. If your not getting stronger, then get in God's word.

Why do bad things happen?
1. We live in place cursed by sin
2. We have a God that knows what is best for us, even if it in no way looks like it.
3. Suffering is a part of being a Christian. Jesus promised it. 2 Peter talks about it as a calling.

If God wanted you to suffer, so others could see how Jesus makes a difference in your life, would you do it? Hmmm. Hard question. My answer, after much searching, is YES! As long as He is with me, and helps me. Day by day. Hour by hour. Minute by minute, sometimes. I figure it's the least I can do for all He's done for me. Who am I to complain, when I've been given more than I ever deserve?

I pray this message brings peace to a suffering soul. If you have more you would like to discuss with me about this, just let me know.

In Christ's love,

Monday, May 7, 2012


"Tech Explosion"
"Cherry Tree"
"Italian Cottage"
"White Flowers with Moss"

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Latest Paintings

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Christian VS Irish

Several years ago, while pursuing my Master's degree at Carson Newman, I had to do an extensive family tree. This not only included names and dates, but origins from countries, and any known physical or mental illnesses. Although, I didn't find any mental illnesses, believe it or not, I did discover that my dad's side of the family is Welsh/Irish. My ancestors, the Burress', appear to have come from Ireland, migrating to England, and then to America...North Carolina, to be exact, then Tennessee. Research showed that this name was a common Irish name.

So, what does that have to do with being a Christian? Well, if you have read Romans, it's obvious. There are many people we are expected to be like; Apostle Paul, Abraham, and others. The foremost is to be like Christ. As a Christian, I have no problem with this concept, but as an Irish descendant, it is harder to grasp.

So, not to say that ethnic profiling is okay, because there are always exceptions to this rule, but it comes in handy for generalizing a certain heritage. The Irish, for example, are generally fun, spirited, feisty, partying people. Now, I know you're thinking, "Well, my great uncle so-and-so is a grumpy mean person." I'll address that later. For now, let's just say that Irish are generally passionate, happy, in-your-stuff. easy-going people. What we think, we say. What we feel, we say. What ever is happening, we have an opinion on it...and say it. We would die for our cause, whatever it is. After all, the Irish have been fighting each other for centuries. It's in our blood, right? Yet, we are loyal to family and friends, and don't care to let the world know. Tack and "telling the truth in love" are not initially in our vocabulary...much.

The problem lies in the order, command to "let your conversation be always with grace, seasoned with salt, that you may know how you ought to answer every man" in Colossians 4:6. This was the theme of a recent women's conference. I was severely convicted that my mouth has been entirely too Irish. Romans teaches that we are a new person in Christ, though we still struggle with the old man. We are to reflect Christ's glory by being conformed to His image. Honestly, things are out of my mouth before I even realize I am speaking. My excuse was that I'm an honest person. Hmm. Unfortunately, that doesn't cut it.

Christ died for all people. The Jews and all Gentiles are called to believe. And, since the Irish are included in the Gentile population, I know that better self-control (actually, Spirit-control) is required of me. According to Romans 12:1, where is tells me that it is my "reasonable service" to present my body as a living sacrifice to God, "holy and acceptable". Ugh, I think. Not "ugh" to the scripture, of course, but "ugh" to me. I seem to continually fail at this, especially since my tongue and mouth are part of my body. When you throw in Romans chapter 7, about the new man and the old man, and warring natures already in our bodies and minds, it seems an impossible task to control what we say and think.

Hope and saving grace, along with the "mercies of God" in verse one follow in the next verse. "Don't be conformed to this world (taking your nationality as an excuse): but be transformed (how?) by the renewing of your mind..." Renewing of my mind? How do I do that? The same way you got saved in the first place - I devote and commit, He consecrates. I need to admit that I am trying to live my life my way, and give control back over to Him. It is His work to transform us into the image of Christ, and He does this by consecrating us to a working life in progress.

The Holy Spirit is what makes our beliefs different than any other "religion". God's Spirit actually resides in us. Even our earthly home needs cleaning out once in a while, so it shouldn't shock us when our spiritual life needs some dusting. All this is to "...prove what is the good, and acceptable, and perfect will of God." This change is the proof to others, especially unbelievers, that God is working to do His will in your life. He promises what He starts in us, He will accomplish. I can be Irish, and control my tongue. I know, who'd have thought. I thank God for loving me enough to take His Word through His Spirit, and teach me to be more like His Son.

So, next time my opinions, thoughts, soap boxes, or "honesty" conflict with God's Word, I will not claim the  fault to be with my opinionated ancestors, but because God is still working on me. Oh, and "I'm sorry", in advance.

Friday, March 9, 2012

The Starving Artist...well, you know what I mean

I have come to realize the cold hard fact that I cannot afford to be an artist. After another nearly $200 day at Hobby Lobby, I am convinced that the term "starving artist" is not just some random phrase. I mean, I only purchased 2 frames, a few canvases, and some tubes of paint and a few special brushes and voila...I'm calculating babysitting money for the next 3 months. On the up side, I sold 3 Lavender Hand Balms to a dear friend and her associates, who work there. Maybe I wouldn't be "starving" if I hadn't bitten off more than I could chew. With making paintings, books, natural skin products, copper wall art, and whole room murals, I am having the time of my life. I love to create. I'll figure out a way to express my creativity much to the confusion of the hubs. As I add to my collection in the gallery, I realize I will never make enough to recoup my costs, but that's not was an artist is about anyway. So, if it's something I would do anyway, I should just enjoy it, right?

Monday, February 27, 2012

I created a new page for my all natural products. Check them out on the tab at the top of this blog. If you would like to order an item, you can let me know by phone, facebook, or in person. These are wonderful products with expensive ingredients...available for a ridiculously low price.
Since I can't physically work a steady job, my "Kreations" help support my family and creative passion for art.

More products coming soon.

Friday, January 20, 2012

The Little Artist Within Me

As long I can remember, I have always been drawing, painting, or creating something out of whatever I can find. My goal, as a child, was to grow up and be an artist. I took one art class in High School, and the teacher kept all of my drawings for examples to future classes. I don't think that was due to my ability to create "life-like" art, but I loved creating the perspective I saw, which was anything but ordinary. I created cartoons, drew landscapes, and wrote poetry with a passion. Then, I gave them away. In my thinking, what was the use in having a collection when I could share what I loved with those I loved? However, I really do wish they would have had digital cameras back in the day, so I could have copies.

I was told in my teens that I couldn't make any money being an artist, so I never pursued any training or classes. Now, I'm glad. I realize that I didn't have to BECOME an artist, because I have always been one. Even if only those who received my art saw it. I have done what I love for my whole life. I love to create in a way that makes sense to me. Simplistic, but unique techniques express my quirky nature. At times, in my past, I threw away or destroyed my art, because I was afraid of criticism or someone not like it. Now, I don't care. If I love it and "understand" it, then that is enough. I'm not normal, so why should my art or poetry be normal? That would not be who I am. I don't want to be an artist that you can open a learn-how-to book and see stuff that looks perfect and all the same. They have cameras for that.

Realizing that I AM an artist and don't have to become one, has been freeing for me. Just thought I would share these insights with others who may have held back in their life because of others' expectations. What you love is part of who you are, so embrace it, and go for it. Even if no else gets it, likes it, or understands it.
