Tuesday, April 19, 2011

The day I became the mother of a ten-year old

Billy and Bella
Today is April, 19 - Billy's birthday. I didn't give birth to him, but I became his mother on February 28, 1998. The funny thing is...he looks more like me than my other sons. Actually Billy and Justin look like blood brothers. When David and I first married and went places with the kids, people would ask me if they were twins. I would laugh and tell them that the boys were not twins...they were 8 months apart. Needless to say, I would get strange looks as that they tried to figure out how I did that.

Billy and I had some difficulties at the beginning of our relationship. He liked junk and fast food, so if he didn't like what I fixed, he had the option of going hungry. He did....for a little while. Then, he began to try things, and found he liked most of what I fixed. Now, I don't think there is anything that boy won't eat. There were some trust issues because of his mother. I tried to teach him the difference between closeness and respect.

After Billy learned the rules of the house and the "flow" of the family, he fit right in. He and Justin were close...no, I mean really, they shared at bedroom. It was like watching The Odd Couple ( that's an old tv show, kids). Justin neat and particular, and Billy more, uh, let's say easygoing and carefree.

The poor child went from being an only child to being a middle child of 4. Then came Emma, whom Billy adored. He didn't mind not being the center of attention. He never complained about much of anything, and got along with everyone. He played awesome football and basketball, and made A's in school.

Somewhere along the line, I forgot that he wasn't born to me. When I'm asked how children I have, I reply that I have five. I love Billy like he is my own son, because he is. I am not going to abandon him or intentionally hurt him in any way. God gave him to me to care for and love, and I do. I'm proud of what he is doing in his life, but it is not the basis of my affection. I love him simply for who he is, not what he does.

My little Billy is about to be married in a month and a half. He has done a great job picking his life partner. I am so thankful he is going to be close by, so I can see him. I'm still wanting our relationship to grow as mother and son. I want to be here the rest of his life to help him when he needs it, give advice, know his children, become a mother to Rachel.

Thank You, Lord for my son, Billy. Guide and keep him through his life. Speak to him with your Spirit about the decisions he needs to make. Lord, be the center of his and Rachel's marriage and bless them. I love you, Jesus, and thank you for the blessings of my family. You are so good.

Monday, April 18, 2011

Marvelous Monday of Plant Therapy! :-)

Pink Magic Roses
Pink Pampas Grass
Mystic Merlin Mallow
 Today was a great day! I got the kitchen cleaned up from the weekend. (It was uncharacteristically messy.) Since I received plants from Springhill Nursery  on Friday, I was eager to get them planted today. So, I transplanted 6 Hostas, planted 3 pink magic roses, a pink pampas grass, 2 milk and honey astilbes, a comfry plant, and 3 mystic merlin mallows (6-8 ft. flowering towers). I weeded the back flowerbeds, and trimmed three trees. Got a lot done...
Milk and Honey Astilbe

However, I smashed my pinky finger, and will probably lose the nail. While weeding around the cactus, I got cactus spines all in my hand. Pulling dead branches out of a large rose bush (which has four deep red blooms), I got scratches and thorns from fingers to elbow. I twisted my ankle, cut my leg, and removed half of a knuckle. After pulling weeds with bare hands all day, I discovered that most of them were poison ivy. Yeah. By dark, I was sunburned and had a extreme headache. I have head to toe muscle pain, but it is a good pain...an intense pain that reminds me that I have to rely totally on God, day to day. Without His power, I can do nothing. Well, that is just a day in the life of ME. Actually, it really was a great day: sunny...slight breeze...perfect for planting in my beautiful yard and flowerbeds. I LOVE it here.

I even had Jehovah Witnesses come by today and comment about how beautiful my yard is. ha ha  God makes good stuff! The pond still needs some work, since the pump was broken for over a year before we moved here, but we have 9 bright orange fish that thawed out a couple of weeks ago, and are doing well. Out lily pads are spreading and the ornamental pond grass is starting to show out of the water.

I sit on my back porch swing and can barely fathom God's goodness to me. I don't deserve it, but He loves me. So many blessings. If it is so beautiful here, can you image how breathtaking it is in Heaven? We couldn't even mentally handle the vastness of beauty without our new, glorified bodies. Can't wait to get there!

Tomorrow, I expect 10 cascading petunias for all my hanging planters. {sigh}

Friday, April 15, 2011

My first day

My name is Kimberly Luther, and I live in Tennessee. I love to read, so I have a book review blog Kimberly's Book Reviews. But I love writing as well, so I decided to start a personal blog too. I hope any and all that come to this site will be blessed, amused, or at least provoked to think. Sometimes, I look serious, because I am always in pain, but anyone who knows me well, knows that it is not true. I'm a nut. Goofy, sometimes. I see the world in a unique and humorous way.

I have been doing Precept Bible Studies by Kay Arthur for about 22 years. I love God's Word, and look forward to the Day in can meet The Word face to face. We are currently studying the Book of Romans, which is good, good, good! Might I also add that sometimes, on occasion, I see the content of the Bible in a unique and humorous way too. { duck...Sorry God}

I homeschool my 10-year-old daughter, Emma.  Alpha & Omega Lifepacs are the curriculum we usually use. Emma is smart, artistic, and has a highly developed case of the "Burress Factor", which is code for fun and unusual sense of humor.

My husband, David, adores me, lets me win most arguments, and will go in debt to ensure my happiness. No, really...he did. We have a dumb but cute dog, Chloe, and a smart but smelly cat, Mr. Fuzzy. Three of four of our grown children Sarah, Justin and Billy live nearby, and Paul lives in Colorado. Dylan and Bella are our wonderful grandchildren. Billy is getting married next month. We live in a calamitous state of Murphy's Law, but are so blessed to have a great family, loving friends, and a Super-duper God.

Welcome to my world.