Tuesday, September 17, 2013

The Gift a Strange Man Gave Me Today

The past couple of days I have been in "recovery mode". Whenever I over-extend myself, my muscles react...with pain. I try not to be grumpy, but the two vertical lines between my eyes usually betray my discomfort. Most of the time, I don't even realize that I do it. Emma says I even frown in my sleep. 

I normally delay errands until I feel better, but today, I had to go to the grocery store. I'm working my way through a crowded store trying to just get the necessities. Taco stuff. Toward the milk section, a guy comes around the corner, and smiles...a big smile. He was tall, thin, long blond pony tail, about mid-forties. Hmm, I think, he looks like my brother. I just give him a quick glance and ignore him, as I usually do to male strangers. I stand there and think about the next item I need. I look up again, he looks at me and smiles again. Not a flirty smile, just a nice friendly smile. Like you are supposed to do when people look at you. I smiled back, though i didn't feel like it, and we went our separate ways. 

That's so nice, I think to myself. That made me feel better. Hmm...how many grumpy and STUPID people could I have made feel better today if I had just smiled at them. When I got to my car, I looked in the mirror. Wow. I had two deep lines between my eyes indicating I had been frowning for a good long time. I felt horrible. I wished those had been creases around my mouth from smiling and laughing all day. What a nice thing for someone to smile AT ME when I looked so grumpy. I recalled a few exasperating times when people were in my way or lolly gagging down the isles. 

Sometimes, even when lessons are learned after the fact, we can benefit from them. Sorry to everyone in Food City Kodak for the grumpy face. I wished I had smiled at you all, and I would have had more fun too. Next time...I will.

So, if the only good thing you can do tomorrow is smile...do it. It might just make someone feel better.
