As long I can remember, I have always been drawing, painting, or creating something out of whatever I can find. My goal, as a child, was to grow up and be an artist. I took one art class in High School, and the teacher kept all of my drawings for examples to future classes. I don't think that was due to my ability to create "life-like" art, but I loved creating the perspective I saw, which was anything but ordinary. I created cartoons, drew landscapes, and wrote poetry with a passion. Then, I gave them away. In my thinking, what was the use in having a collection when I could share what I loved with those I loved? However, I really do wish they would have had digital cameras back in the day, so I could have copies.
I was told in my teens that I couldn't make any money being an artist, so I never pursued any training or classes. Now, I'm glad. I realize that I didn't have to BECOME an artist, because I have always been one. Even if only those who received my art saw it. I have done what I love for my whole life. I love to create in a way that makes sense to me. Simplistic, but unique techniques express my quirky nature. At times, in my past, I threw away or destroyed my art, because I was afraid of criticism or someone not like it. Now, I don't care. If I love it and "understand" it, then that is enough. I'm not normal, so why should my art or poetry be normal? That would not be who I am. I don't want to be an artist that you can open a learn-how-to book and see stuff that looks perfect and all the same. They have cameras for that.
Realizing that I AM an artist and don't have to become one, has been freeing for me. Just thought I would share these insights with others who may have held back in their life because of others' expectations. What you love is part of who you are, so embrace it, and go for it. Even if no else gets it, likes it, or understands it.